The Special Seating System we provide allows the service to
manage both children and adults, with complex postural and
mobility problems who are unable to maintain their position
in a standard wheelchair or buggy. We understand the
complexity of the Special Seating Service, this is why the
system we have designed is completely tailored and unique to
record full management of a client from referral
to outcome.
Full Client Management System - This
includes storing all patient information which includes:-
Referrals New or Re-Referral Disabilities Assessments Work Sheet, Costings, Prescription Current Equipment Equipment History Equipment
Issued Information Weight History of Patient Notes on
Patients, as well as the opportunity to highlight if there is any
special significance that your colleagues should be made aware of Tel Logs/Message, any telephone calls that the service has had with
the patient can be added to this section, this also has the ability
to be able to send colleagues the telephone log for their attention.
Documents, the service can scan multiple documents onto the client
record, helping the service to go paper free or paper lite.
Traffic Light System, this shows how close the patient is
to the 18 week waiting time Diary and Appointment System, this
section is also linked to the standard letters, which can be
directly printed from the appointment screen. Outstanding Orders
Section Over 125 Reports including KPI reports.
There is much more within that is
on offer, if you would like a FREE demonstration, please do not
hesitate to contact us.